Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have given my perspective on Facebook two days ago, and now it is time to comment on texting. I do not have enough thoughts to make it a theorem, so I will call it a Remark and it will be the third part in the eight-part series "Societal Flaws: Why People Struggle with Life."

Remark: Texting is a skill

Now we all have our texting style and I am not here to claim that one is better than the other. I'll be honest, I think I am a pretty good texter, but I understand that some people can disagree with this. Every once in a while I will send a text that I am really proud of and then I will lock it in my phone so that it never goes away when I delete my inbox. When I get bored I will go back and read them. I want to put them all together and make a book. Also, I have this uncanny ability to use every one of my 160 characters in my text without even trying. Enough gloating though, I need to get on with my thoughts about texting. I am having serious trouble concentrating though with these people in the section lounge reading math jokes off the internet to me. This is what happens when your roommate has an interview at 8 in the morning.

I will now run over some of the basic rules of texting. This should all be review:
1) Make sure you keep a good constant pace of texting. By this of course I mean that if you text someone and they take hours to respond, then you take at least an hour or two to respond to that response. It's called common courtesy.
2) If you send a mass text, you should let people know. The easiest way to do this is to start your text with "Mass text:". If you do not do this and people find out that it was a mass text, they will be extremely offended. Me especially. Nothing grinds my gears more than a mass text that I think is a personal text.
3) If your pace of texting is quick and consistent, make sure you keep it that way. I hate when I am expecting a text within a minute or two and I don't get it for ages.

Okay it's my birthday and I am done with this post. I have nothing to say about this and I have no idea how I am going to come up with five more parts of this series. But as a reminder, if you would like to read some of my best texts that are locked in my phone, let me know. Or, if you would like to be a part of my ListServ, which is essentially a group of people that I will text before, during, and after my Theology and Econ class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, let me know and you will be added. Basically all that comes of this ListServ is just a random text from me about whatever I am thinking when I get especially bored. A response would be appreciated but it is totally not necessary. I get enough enjoyment out of simply constructing a text message to send random people. I must say though, the ListServ is a good way to practice your texting without much pressure. If you would like, I could also reply to your reply with constructive feedback. If your name is Bobby or Tara, you are already on this ListServ.


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