So I am definitely feeling the pressure of this one post a day thing, but nevertheless I fully intend to keep my promise, and for at least one more day my promise will be kept. However, this post will not be a part of the eight-part series entitled, "Societal Flaws: Why People Struggle with Life," but rather it will be an important meditation on life in general.
Theorem 17: 99% of what we do, we could just as easily not do
So I'm listening to this singer named Kid Cudi and he is preaching to me about the pursuit of happiness. He says to me, "I'll be fine once I get it. I'll be good" (that's the three-syllable version of the word "good": Goo-uh-ood). Inspired by this, I read up on Celtic Christianity, which stresses that life is all about the journey and not the destination. Specifically, I read Long, Wandering Prayer by Calvin Miller. Conveniently enough, I find out later that this is also what is due tomorrow for my theology class so I really just killed two birds with one stone. Anyway, Mr. Miller and Mr. Cudi have both reminded me that society today has lied to us: we don't have to do anything.
When I get sick or feel a little cough coming on, the first thing I do is see what I can get away with not doing. It is amazing how much in my daily schedule I can just ignore. There are an infinite number of excuses out there and you can almost always find an excuse that doesn't involve a lie.
Now let's get specific: homework. Homework is worth points but it is not worth that many points. Just don't get a zero and you can get away with doing very little homework. Dorm responsibilities: if you live in McGlinn, you are screwed and my only advice is to stage a coup of the current regime. They are holding you back and are running a malevolent dictatorship. They have too much power and they don't know how to use it. Shamrock Snack Shop (now on Facebook)?? If that doesn't scream Third Reich, I don't know what does. However, if you live in Duncan, the word "responsibilities" is extremely vague and non-binding. If you doubt that, let me just remind you that I am social/spirit commissioner... I am neither social nor spirited. And I make sure it shows. Tests: you either know it or you don't, there's no two ways about it. Besides, worst comes to worst, you can drop the class. The educational system these days is designed for slacking; it practically encourages slacking.
Basically what I am saying is that if you don't think you have time for sticks, you are not working hard enough to find ways to make time. Most people classify things as "need to do" when in reality they are "why am I even doing this?" The end.
"Imma do what I want, lookin' ahead no turnin' back" --Mr. Cudi
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