I generally don't post anything without some specific piece of wisdom that's on my mind, but it's been far too long and the NCIS daily marathon just ended. I figured I could just go back and finish up my open-ended multi-part series(es), but there are two problems with that: one, I don't think I ever had something to write about in the first place, and two, if I did there's no way I would have remembered it now. And for the life of me, I cannot remember what my revolutionary new educational system was. Which is seriously a shame, because I apparently believed at the time that it would blow your mind. I still think it would blow your mind, but I guess I'll have to re-invent it.
Theorem 26: Blue Moon Ice Cream is Really Good
I think one my biggest character flaws is that I don't deal well with anyone who doesn't like the things I do. Obviously this applies to almost anything, so you can imagine why my life is so rough. I legitimately get frustrated when I hear of people that are Yankees fans who are not from New York. I also get frustrated with people who like terrible music and people who like Sports Science. I get frustrated when people choose soft serve ice cream over regular ice cream, I don't get that. In fear of getting frustrated just thinking of all the things that frustrate me, I'll stop.
But there is one more: for some reason I get REALLY frustrated when people don't like Blue Moon ice cream (that's the blue ice cream that they have at the DH). I don't know why this bothers me so much more than everything else... I mean I don't think I've really ever complained that no one else wants to eat my chicken patty sandwich (except Kerry, so glad I'm not the only college student that has a third grader's diet). But really, I don't get why people don't at least try it, and then like it. You people have to give it a chance!
And fun fact: the flavor Blue Moon actually can mean a number of different flavors. So all you people that have asked me what Blue Moon tastes like, you were asking a stupid question. But again, to answer your question, the Blue Moon flavor at the DH tastes like blue. The moon part is a misnomer, it has no moon flavor whatsoever, just blue.
Besides, it's ice cream, and you can't not like a dessert. Vegetables, yes. But Blue Moon ice cream? It's like any other ice cream, it just tastes different. I don't even care if you eat it, just why not like it?
Thanks for skimming my extended pitch for Blue Moon, I just had to get that off my chest.
Also, I think I'm going to start rating my theorems based on how much I enjoy writing them and therefore how good they are. This is a 2, out of 6.
F.Y.I. I love me some Notre Dame, which is why I chose this picture.
I like how you and Kerry - the two kids who skipped third grade - have a third grader's diet.